Your name, last name first.
Your telephone and fax numbers and what country you are located in.
Your email address. If you have a mobile, it would be good to also include your SMS address (careful! - for when receiving messages by email! This means that the address must look like an email address with the “@” symbol in it etc. If you do not know, perhaps you could consult with your mobile provider) because we often need a quick response when handing out work. Make sure you put a COMMA between each email address.
How often and when do you check your email.
What text editor do you use on your computer (ie- Word) and any other programs you use.

What language combinations do you translate? Choose either Native or Foreign language. Native means that when you write in that language, it is as good as a native speaker in terms of style etc. If you are a legally certified translator (the authorities recognise your translation as official), check the Legally Certified box for each language combination you such a stamp for. If you do more than sixteen language combinations, you will have to fill the form in more times.


Native Lanuage  Foreign Language  Legally Certified


Any any other language combinations we have not listed (with relevant information).
Do you have a passive understanding of any language and if so which language? This may be useful for example when you are editing some text that has been translated from a language which you yourself are not able to translate from but which you understand a little bit, so that it helps you somewhat while you are translating.
Do you have any editing or proofreading experience? If so, for how long and give details. (Please start your response with a "yes" or "no".)

Choose which of the following GENERAL areas you feel you are capable of translating in:

Business correspondence
Legal text (contracts etc.)

For these areas, you must have at least some education or experiencing working in them:

Accounting Insurance
Acoustics Journalism
Advertising Leathery, tannery
Agriculture Literature
Archeology Logistics
Armature Marketing
Astronomy Mathematics
Automobiles Medicine
Banking Mechanical engineering
Belles-lettres Metallurgy
Biochemistry Military science
Biology Mining
Capital markets (investment) Nuclear physics (nucleonics)
Chemistry Oil and petroleum industry
Commerce (trade) Oriental studies
Communications Packaging
Computers (pc) Pedagogics
Construction (civil engineering) Pharmacy
Control systems Philology
Cosmetics Philosophy
Cybernetics Photography
Ecology Physics
Electrical engineering Plastics
Electronics Pneumatics (tires)
Fibre optics Printing
Film Radio technology
Finance Radiology (a branch of medicine)
Fish breeding industry Railways, trains
Food industry Rubber production
Foundry industry (metal casting) Semi-conductors
Genetics Shipping and ship building industry
Geodesy Social science (a scientific study of human society and social relationships)
Geology Software
Golf Storage
Graphics (computer and other design) Textiles
Hardware (pc) Tourism
Health care Transportation
Heating Video electronics
HTML (translating web pages) Waste water treatment
Hunting Weoponry and arms

For these areas, you may specify which branch:

Slang (specify which foreign language you have a good knowledge of general slang in)
Theology, religion
Any other areas of translation that we do not have in our list.


Your education (what area, and to what level ie. University, High School). If you are presently studying, what year are you in?
Do you have any experience which you feel might help you when translating in given areas? If so, give details.
Any other information you feel is important.


Select method of pricing

Your minimum price. Leaving it as zero means you are open to negotiation. Use only a PERIOD for decimal point (ie- 20.5 not 20,5) and do not use commas or spaces.




USD per word


USD per 1800 keystroke - ie- a page of 30 lines, each line with 60 keystrokes (including space, tabs etc.)

Once you have completed the form, press submit (make sure you are on line).